Too many of our communities suffer the blight of environmental crime which includes littering, fly-tipping and dog fouling etc. Government have now extended and amended the powers available to Local Authorities to tackle environmental crime. This has extended to the use of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) which, when managed correctly and effectively, sends a message to communities that this sort of crime will not be tolerated.
(NB This event can also be amended to cover offences under Housing, Planning and Coronavirus Restrictions. Please contact us for further details)
Who should attend
Any Enforcement staff that is involved in the process of issuing FPNs either face to face or via the post
Course aim
This event provides delegates with the knowledge and skills to confidently offer and issue FPNs where an environmental crime has occured.
Topics covered
· Offences covered by FPNs
· Evidential requirements
· Benefit of good comprehensive and contemporaneous notes.
· Structuring a fully admissible witness statement
· Considerations prior to issuing a FPN
· Practicalities of issuing a FPN
· PACE and RIPA considerations*
· Attending a Criminal Court as an official witness
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